I am super excited and proud of myself for putting together this booklet, If it can teach 1 person something they don't already know then my work is done. Writing it out has been an interesting learning curve for myself and made me reach into the creative part of my brain I take for granted as it is now second nature to me and put on paper the knowledge I have gained over the years.
It was written as a complimentary guide for technicians of all levels of experience who have a formal hairdressing qualification or working towards one.
The goal was to take what I have learnt through my 17 years in hairdressing specialising in colour and simplify it to give technician is an extra head start in their career and boost their knowledge gained through qualifications.
It contains insider knowledge of working in the hair industry which can only come from years of experience working on the salon floor.
I want to simplify the technical knowledge and bridge the gaps between what we are taught on paper and models and translate that to real clients and working practices.
I present an in depth run through of how to approach a new client and how to build a personalised formula for yourself they are confident in that gets great results, that leads to great hair!
I have collated all this information into the one place in the hope that stylists will return to it as a reference guide time and again. I’ve also included tips and activities that will help make your daily experience in the salon easier and make you a more confident hair technician making for a happier you.
The booklet will be available for digital download from Monday 16th November 2020
throught my online shop.
I hope you all enjoy it :)
Nik x